Join Us December 6 for the Annual Awards Celebration
IPO Education Foundation’s annual Awards Celebration will be held in-person on December 6, 2023 at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. Join us to celebrate innovation and IP by purchasing a ticket or becoming a sponsor! This annual event celebrates accomplishments in the fields of IP, innovation, and creativity. IP practitioners, IP professionals, government officials, and attendees from all over the world take part in this fundraising event to support the work of IPOEF to further efforts of promoting innovation and creation by, within, and for underserved, diverse populations. The honorees for this year’s event include:
Inventor of the Year
Dr. Cato Laurencin, University of Connecticut
Dr. Cato Laurencin is being honored for his pioneering contributions in the field of Regenerative Engineering. His work has led to innovation in the novel use of polymeric biomaterials to repair tissue and bone. A decorated leader in his field, Dr. Laurencin has received several top awards including the Priestley Medal for Chemistry, the Von Hippel Award for Materials Science, and the Jay Bailey Award for Biological Engineering.
Executive of the Year
Sandra Leung, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.
Sandy Leung is being honored for her commitment to the creation, promotion, and protection of intellectual property. Ms. Leung is the Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Bristol Myers Squibb Company and leads the company’s worldwide Law Department.
IP Champion
Irwin Jacobs, Qualcomm (retired)
Irwin Jacobs, Founding Chairman & CEO Emeritus Qualcomm, is being honored for his extraordinary leadership in advocating for the value of intellectual property to stimulate the progress of innovation. Dr. Jacobs co-founded Qualcomm with 7 others from Linkabit. As CEO through 2005 and Chairman through 2009, he led the growth from startup to Fortune 500 Company, now with over 50,000 employees worldwide.
Inspiration Award
Audrey Larson, University of Connecticut
Audrey Larson is receiving the second Inspiration Award for her contributions to promoting and championing IP rights for, and on behalf of, members of underrepresented communtiies. She is a junior at UCONN studying material science engineering and holds three patents, two for inventions that she created in high school.