Season 5 is Now Available

2022 Newsletter: July-September
September 30, 2022
New episodes of the Stroke of Genius® podcast are now available! Listen and subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or any major podcast platform. This season features entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, inventors, lawyers, and other industry leaders to get to the heart of what intellectual property protection means to them – and why it matters. Topics address some common myths and misconceptions surrounding intellectual property protection and provides a greater understanding of what IP means for members of under-served communities. Two episodes are out now: episode 1 titled “Swimming with Sharks” about the importance of patents on Shark Tank and episode 2 titled “How IP Can Help Save the Planet” featuring 2022 Inventor of the Year, Luke Haverhals. Make sure to follow on any major podcast platform and never miss an episode!
Join IPOEF at the December Awards Celebration
Celebrate accomplishments in innovation, creativity, and IP at the annual IPO Education Foundation Awards Celebration! This year’s event will be held in-person on December 7 at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. There is a new event format that includes a welcome reception, awards ceremony, and post ceremony reception allowing attendees to network with award winners and members of the IP community. Don’t wait to register or become a sponsor! Sponsorships are available on a first come first served basis due to limited availability. All proceeds from the Awards Celebration support the Foundation’s important work to promote the value of intellectual property. For questions or to learn more about sponsor opportunities, contact Kristen Lurye, or 202-507-4502.

Invention Convention Summer Camp
IPO Education Foundation awarded $15,000 in scholarships to send low-income students to a two-week invention and IP summer camp in July. The camp was hosted by IPOEF partner Connecticuit Invention Convention at Quinnapiac University. Middle school students learned the basics of intellectual property, pitched inventions, and even applied for provisional patents on their inventions. IPOEF awarded one student with an innovation award. Manny Schecter, former IPOEF President, recognized this student for his invention of a system to prevent drowning in swimming pools. The system included netting on the bottom of a pool coupled to pulleys that could be used to quickly raise the netting and assist a person in the water in distress.

IPOEF Treasurer, Buck de Wolf, also volunteered at the camp and said, “It was an honor to review and judge the student inventions. The ideas were very clever and the students did a great job thoughtfully presenting them. I was impressed with how so many of the students followed Thomas Edison’s adage – ‘Find out what the world needs and proceed to invent it.’ ”
A special thank you to Locke Lord for their additional support of this program! Locke Lord donated $5,000 to support the students and provided volunteers during the camp. Thank you!
New Foundation Board Member

Please join the Foundation in welcoming the newest member of the Board, Bryan Zielinski, Pfizer Inc. Mr. Zielinski is Pfizer’s Chief Patent Counsel and is passionate about increasing diversity in the IP and innovation community.
Occasionally, there are vacancies on the Board. If you would like to be considered for a Foundation Board seat, please contact Kristen Lurye,
Thank You Foundation Silver Donors
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Thank You Foundation Silver Donors
To learn more about IPOEF and to become a donor, please visit