Thank You
IPO Education Foundation is funded completely by donor support. Your contributions help us teach young people, the media, decision makers, and the public at large about IP through our various educational programs and awards.
Allied Security Trust | April Besl | Boston Scientific Corp. | Boulware & Valoir | E A Bright II | Tyrome Brown | Michael Carmen | Greg Castanias | John Cheek | Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC | Dana Collarulli | Colgate-Palmolive Co. | Manus Cooney | Corning Inc. | Corsearch | Mary Critharsis | Davinci Patent AI | Ahmed J Davis | Evan Diamond | B Donovan | DorothyAI | Eldora Ellison | Enventys Partners | Ernst & Young LLP | Jeremiah Fennel | Barbara Fiacco | Louis Foreman | Robert Giles | Marla Grossman | Harry Gwinnell | Herrero & Asociados | Paul Higgins | James Holderman | Houlihan Intellectual Property| IPRally Technologies Oy | Natalie Judd | Carla Kim | Richard Kurz | Christine Lam | Jessica Landacre | David Lane | Leason Ellis LLP | LexisNexis IP | Alexander Long | Susan & Jonathan Lusk | Peter Mattei | Jack McKinney | Meta Platforms | Melissa Miller | Steven W. Miller | Ruben Munoz | Robin Muthig | NetApp | Pauline Newman | Geof Oberhaus | Sanitago O’Conor | Olbricht Patentanwalte | Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP | Peter-Anthony Pappas | Patent Awards | James Pooley | Polaris Ind. | Questel | Gene & Renee Quinn | Kevin Rizzuto | RELX Group PLC | Ashley Rose | Safran Group | Corey Salsberg | Manny Schecter | Raj Shah | Jessica Sinnott | Elaine Spector | Elisabeth Stewart-Bradley | Sun IP | John Underfer | Unilever | Thomas Valente | Virtual Patent Gateway | Roy F. Waldron | Richard Watkins | Lawrence T. Welch | Yara International ASA
Arthur Bookstein | Valerie Cubon-Bell | IP Rally Technologies | Bethany Lahmann | Kristen Lurye | Nordic Patent Institute | Santiago O’Conor | O’Conor & Power
Donor levels and benefits
The Foundation is tax exempt under U.S.C. 501(c)3. Donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions to the extent allowed by law.
- Table at the Foundation Awards Celebration,
- Two invitations to the Board and Special Guests Dinner at IPO Annual Meeting,
- Donor ribbon on name tag at IPO events,
- Recognition in:
- IPOEF Quarterly newsletter,
- IPO Daily News,
- Foundation Awards Celebration program,
- IPOEF social media accounts,
- IPOEF website.
- One ticket to the Foundation Awards Celebration
- One invitation to the Board and Special Guests Dinner at IPO Annual Meeting,
- Donor ribbon on name tag at IPO events,
- Recognition in:
- IPO Quarterly newsletter,
- IPO Daily News,
- Foundation Awards Celebration program,
- IPOEF social media accounts,
- IPOEF website.
- Donor ribbon on name tag at IPO events,
- Recognition in:
- IPO Daily News,
- Foundation Awards Celebration program,
- IPOEF social media accounts,
- IPOEF website.
- Donor ribbon on name tag at IPO events,
- Recognition in:
- Foundation Awards Celebration program,
- IPOEF social media accounts,
- IPOEF website.